Intraday Stock Market Trend 12 May :- My Dear visitor's, after a frustrating rally of Indian Stock Markets for last couple of days, ultimately today 11th May Spot Nifty closed at a decent level. But you should remember one thing, that above closing of Spot Nifty does not indicate the market’s good future healthy condition. HistoricallY the Month of May has always been a bad Month for the Indian Stock Markets. There are lots of negative factors still persists. High inflation, poor quarterly results of some companies and above all, fear of increasing the fuel oil prices by central Govt. restricting the Trader’s /Investor’s to Trade in some tight levels. Only a good monsoon now can help the Indian Stock Markets for a fresh rally. But for the monsoon We have to wait till end June/beginning July 2011. So my dear visitor’s, hope for the best and also prepare for the worst. Last but not the least, as per the present scenario. Spot Nifty likely to stay within the range of 5400-5700 for the time being.